Scribble Sessions, here we come.
Scribble Sessions postcard
Chachi and I are looking forward to being a part of the Scribble Sessions, a youth ministry conference. It's coming soon... October 9th, so if you are a youth guy or gal and want to go, register here.
We got their nice glossy postcard brochures today. But we can't tell if they are 'insulting' us in the postcard. It reads 'Eight Youth Ministry Minds' and then has 8 boxes with faces... However, the eighth box is a picture of me AND Chachi. So, while we appreciate them saying we have a youth ministry mind (we get that a lot), I'm thinking they needed to say NINE minds... instead of EIGHT. It could imply several things. 1) Johnny and Chachi's minds together are equivalent to one mind (offensive) 2) We see Johnny and Chachi as half a person each (offensive) 3) We care more about design and the number of minds equaling the number of boxes on brochure (offensive). 4) They accidently put our picture there and left off Chad Rehnberg's picture (offensive, but to Chad, so this reason is acceptable).
Anywhoosier, we're looking forward to being a part of it. Perhaps they'll let us do our new 90's Medley. It's somewhere close to jaw-dropping when viewed live... in the 'I can't believe Scribble's hired these guys' kind of way.